Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

A study of the Lithgow New Government Office DevelopmentUsing Best Practice to Deliver Sustainable DevelopmentsMark UrizarB of Arch. FRAIA, MBA, RPMSc

Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developmentschool of Property, Construction and Project Management RM IT University39295This exegesis is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree

of Master of Applied Science from the Royal Melbourne Institute of TechnologyilDeclarationIcertify that except where due acknowledgement has been mad Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

e, the work is that of the author alone: the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award: the

Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

content of the exegesis is the result of work which has been earned out since the official commencement date of the approved research program: and. a

A study of the Lithgow New Government Office DevelopmentUsing Best Practice to Deliver Sustainable DevelopmentsMark UrizarB of Arch. FRAIA, MBA, RPMSc

Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developmentsurement of the new Lithgow development. In this role. I had the overall protect management responsibility and was the authonsed person for the project

As the project manager. I directed this development from inception to completion.Mark Urizar,'Mrv V'.’ỈẠ.ÌĨcom Ạự39295Word count’ 39,568Inclusive of Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

all vwds in this document Excluding words in Appendices.Mark Unzar Stusent No 30330&Í'39295AcknowledgementsThis research was part of a scholarship fun

Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

ded by the RMIT University. Department of Building & Construction Economics. Masters by Projects Program.AcronymsABGRAustralian Building Greenhouse Ra

A study of the Lithgow New Government Office DevelopmentUsing Best Practice to Deliver Sustainable DevelopmentsMark UrizarB of Arch. FRAIA, MBA, RPMSc

Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developmentsilding Research Establishment (UK construction and environmental researchconsultants)CO2Carbon DioxideCommerceDepartment of CommerceCSFCritical Succes

s FactorsCSRCorporate Social ResponsibilityDSCDocument and ConstructEMSEnvironmental Management SystemESDEcological Sustainable Design Masters thesis of applied science a study of the lithgow new government office development using best practice to deliver sustainable developments

A study of the Lithgow New Government Office DevelopmentUsing Best Practice to Deliver Sustainable DevelopmentsMark UrizarB of Arch. FRAIA, MBA, RPMSc