Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

Characterisation of Dosimetry in Electron Radiotherapy under different Bolus Applications.Lindsay James TremethickBApp.Sc. (University of South Austra

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applicationsalia)A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science (Medical and Health Physics)School of Ap

plied Sciences,College of Science, Engineering and HealthRMIT UniversityMelbourne, Australia40969Page iDeclarationExcept where acknowledgements are ma Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

de in the text, all work described in this thesis is that of the author.This thesis has not previously been submitted in whole 01 in part for any acad

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

emic award to any Institute or University.The content of this thesis is the result of woik carried out since the official commencement date of the app

Characterisation of Dosimetry in Electron Radiotherapy under different Bolus Applications.Lindsay James TremethickBApp.Sc. (University of South Austra

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applicationsnt encouragement of many others.I would like to thank my many supervisors for what may have been one of your most frustrating students. Firstly Jamie

Trapp for listening to my generalised thoughts and ideas of a possible Masters topic and believing them suitable, starting me along what has been a lo Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

ng and at times almost torturous path.The departure of Jamie from RMIT lumbered Peter Johnston and Rick Franich with me as an additional student to th

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

en already full student supervision lists. Despite what must have been an imposition on their personal time they afforded me unconditional support whe

Characterisation of Dosimetry in Electron Radiotherapy under different Bolus Applications.Lindsay James TremethickBApp.Sc. (University of South Austra

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applicationsvision list. I certainly appreciated Rick's continued support and also the provision of appropriate advice when for personal reasons I opted to exerci

se an initial period of Leave of Absence which became extended through unavoidable circumstances. It was only through Rick's tireless efforts that my Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

forced extended Leave of Absence, and what was then an "in limbo" Masters programme, was resurrected by his approach to Moshi Geso to act as my superv

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

isor. Without Moshi's generous acceptance of me as a student and the provision of his time, often at my request, along with his advice and direction m

Characterisation of Dosimetry in Electron Radiotherapy under different Bolus Applications.Lindsay James TremethickBApp.Sc. (University of South Austra

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applicationson for the constant support provided in both time and resources. Bill has provided many hours of his personal time both proof reading my writings and

supporting my efforts. Bill's constant reminders of the ultimate deadline, his time spent listening to. and providing suggestions for my. at times, ha Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

ir brained ideas, and his assistance with some of my day to day duties has aided me immensely to complete the thesis.Finally I must thank my wife and

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

children for putting up with me during the course of thisPage iiiMasters particularly in the last year. I know at times I must have been like a “bear

Characterisation of Dosimetry in Electron Radiotherapy under different Bolus Applications.Lindsay James TremethickBApp.Sc. (University of South Austra

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applicationsatical errors phis finding those spelling errors a word processor never does, 1 owe yon man) lhanks. Io my boys Samuel and Edward that is the end of s

tudy for me!Page ivTable of ContentsDeclaration.................................................................iiAcknowledgement..................... Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

.......................................iiiIllustration Index.........................................................viiIndex of Tables...............

Masters thesis of applied science (medical and health physics) characterisation of dosimetry in electron radiotherapy under different bolus applications

...............................................X0. ABSTRACT..................................................................11. INTRODUCTION.........

Characterisation of Dosimetry in Electron Radiotherapy under different Bolus Applications.Lindsay James TremethickBApp.Sc. (University of South Austra

Characterisation of Dosimetry in Electron Radiotherapy under different Bolus Applications.Lindsay James TremethickBApp.Sc. (University of South Austra